Counselor » Counselor



The mission of the Riverside Preparatory Elementary School Counseling Program is to provide students with comprehensive and developmentally appropriate services to address their academic, career, social and personal needs. This is accomplished by working collaboratively with parents, educators and community members to empower our students with the necessary skills to reach their full potential as productive members of their communities and lifelong learners.

We have an open-door policy, which means everyone is welcome to meet with their counselor. If you want to meet with your counselor, please fill out our counseling check-in Google form. Counselors will attend to urgent matters first, thank you in advance for your patience.

RPES Counseling Check-In Google Form


What you say in here stays in here unless;

  1. Someone is hurting you
  2. You want to hurt yourself
  3. You want to hurt someone else
  4. You give me permission to share with another trusted adult

Counseling Introductions

Hello RPES! My name is Julia Rueda. I am happy to be part of the Silver Knights family and work alongside with Mrs. Courtney. We are here to provide support for our students and their families. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Get to know me:
Food: Enchiladas
Color: Turquoise
Holiday: Christmas
Animal: Horse
Class subject: Math
Sport: Baseball

Ms. Rueda, TK-2nd grade
Office hours: M-F 8:00am-4:00pm
(760) 245-9260 Ext. 127
[email protected]
Hello, my name is Miriam Courtney. This is my third year working at RPES. Ms. R. and I work great together, we make a wonderful team. I am blessed to be part of the Silver Knight family. I promise to demonstrate empathy and compassion when your student is having a rough day.

Get to know me:
Favorite food: Tie between Vietnamese spring rolls and tacos
Favorite color: Green
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite class subject: American history
Favorite animal: Dog
Favorite sport: Soccer (World Cup!)
I LOVE making balloon art and going to Disneyland!

Mrs. Courtney, 3rd - 5th grade
Office hours: M-F 8:00am-4:00pm
(760) 245-9260 Ext. 236
[email protected]

Important websites and resources

San Bernardino County –
Desert Mountain Children’s Center –
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports -
Crisis Walk-in Center – CWIC -
Victor Community Support Services –
Inland SoCal United Way –